
The amended Act on Electronic Communications (Official Gazette No. 109/2012; hereinafter ZEKom-1), which entered into force at the beginning of 2013, brought new rules regarding the use of cookies and similar technologies for storing information or accessing information stored on the user’s computer or mobile device. Cookies are nothing new, the law only interfered with the method of informing and consenting website users regarding their use.


Our website can place a so-called “cookie” in your computer’s browser. Cookies are small text files that give us information about how many times an individual visits our site and what they are interested in during those visits. The cookies themselves do not contain any data that would enable the identification of an individual, but if you provide us with this data yourself, for example by registering, it can be linked to the data stored in the cookie.

You always have the option to accept or reject cookies. Most web browsers automatically accept cookies, which you can change in the settings so that your computer rejects cookies or to receive a warning before a cookie is saved.

For information about cookie settings, click on the name of your browser:

Internet Explorer



Our website uses cookies so that we can distinguish between visitors and count their number exclusively for our own needs and thus improve the performance of the site. For this purpose, we use the most widely used tool Google Analytics. You can read more about Google Analytics cookies by clicking on this link.

Our website also uses cookies that provide you with a better user experience by remembering your login or registration on the website, data entered in online forms, products added to the cart, last viewed products and your consent to the use of cookies.

The following cookies are used on the website:

_gat_gtag_UA_12111490_88 (Identification code of the website for monitoring visits. Duration 2 years)
_gid (Identification of user returns within 24 hours of the first page view. Duration 24h)
_ga (Statistics of website visits: Counting the number of visits from an individual computer. Duration 2 years)
isPushNotificationsEnabled, ONESIGNAL_HTTP_PROMPT_SHOWN, onesignal-notification-prompt: checking if the user is subscribed to push notifications or if he has already seen the notification before. Duration 1 session).
onesignal-pageview-count (Used to generate statistics about how the visitor uses the site. Duration 1 session.)
We will not forward the data collected with the help of cookies to third parties.